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We came back for an epic 40min payback fight after you sunk us in about 1min

I had supplied for 2 hours as we, Rhimore, DauphinVirus31 and me (Coutigro), aimed to stack FotD. You came for us on the hideout like a wrecking ball and sunk us in 1 minute, sinking around 130 chainshots among other supplies in the process.

We weren't done as we wanted a proper fight with a crew looking amazingly efficient with a gally.

We had an hidden storage crate on the hideout... We came back to take it while you finished the fleet event and we engaged again.

We got an early advantage as I'm sure you didn't expect us to be a threat anymore, especially guessing we were fresh spawn ! We couldn't sink you at that moment and you started to put us under more and more pressure for the next 40min and you ultimately sunk us...

Loved your spirit as you let us board and played music along us. Always a pleasure to sink to great crews that exchange ggs after fights.

On the screen in front of rOdbLa1nE you can see my teammate Rhimore giving his pineapples as a gesture of submission.

Finde euch vohl kuhl

Ne ohne Spaß, ich wollte euch einfach mal Danke sagen für diese coole Website. Es ist ja schon ne coole Leistung die ganzen Guides zu schreiben, aber ihr schafft es dies auch noch in so ner geilen Art und Weise zu verpacken, dass jedes mal wenn ich eure Website aufsuche ein Grinsen ins Gesicht bekomme. Also vielen Dank dafür! Macht weiter so.

Was für eine grandiose Website!

Hi zusammen,

wollte nur kurz mein Feedback hierlassen: Bin noch ganz frisch bei SoT und noch in der Guide-Durchforstenphase. Und da bin ich auf eure Seite gestossen und echt begeistert! Grafisch und textlich auf echt hohem Niveau. Und inhaltlich natürlich auch top (gut, wie sollte ich das als Noob auch bewerten können 😉

Macht weiter so und ich freue mich auf ein Begegnung auf See.

Made me want to gouge my own eyes out, but, like, in a good way

Well we'd just finished a few hours of Athena's runs, not a ship in sight, till on the horizon a grade five reaper ship emerged. Full of naive optimism we prepared for battle bus alas, we were sunk and lost the night's work within minutes. Revenge was attempted but the enemy was simply too polished for our hastened retaliation. Thus, defeated and with no spoils for the night we retired and mourned what was not to be.

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trying to seize power over the seven seas since 2000

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